This 4-week program equips you with the concepts, strategies and tools needed to innovate in a time of uncertainty and change.


Structured around the Design Thinking approach and process, you’ll learn and practice the key concepts, strategies and tools used by today’s most successful companies to drive innovation.

This includes:

  • ways to better understand users, customers and stakeholders;
  • how to explore, uncover and reframe problems;
  • how to develop creative solutions;
  • how to use iterative approaches to deliver value while developing and learning.


Innovation is about mindset as much as it is about strategies and tools, so we focus on the “three Cs” of an innovation mindset – curiosity, courage and creativity – and how to develop these in yourself and in your team.

By the end of the programme ...

You’ll have more tools in your locker to help you respond confidently to uncertainty, new types of problems, and new opportunities.

Learn about upcoming Innovation Toolkit training sessions

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